I will try and keep collecting interesting and helpful resources for Astronomy and programming here. Feel free to reach out to me if you have anything interesting to share here!
Resources for Astronomers
- GCN Circulars: NASA's Time-Domain and Multimessenger Alert System.
- Astronomer's Telegram: A publication service for quickly disseminating information on new astronomical observations.
- NASA Astrophysics Data System: A powerful interface for accessing astronomy and physics literature.
- SIMBAD: The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography, and measurements for astronomical objects.
- Astropy: A collection of Python software packages designed for use in astronomy.
- GraceDB: The Gravitational-Wave Candidate Event Database (GraceDB) operated by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: A daily astronomy-related image with a brief explanation.
- An educational website offering interactive content, animations, and tools for learning about astronomy and space science.
- Astronomy & Space news.
- HEASARC: The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is the primary archive for NASA's (and other space agencies') missions studying electromagnetic radiation from extremely energetic cosmic phenomena.
- Stingray: Python library designed to perform times series analysis and related tasks on astronomical light curves.
- Lightkurve: A friendly Python package for making discoveries with Kepler & TESS.
Other Resources
- GitHub: A platform for developers to create, store, manage, and share their code.
- Python for Everybody: Free materials, lectures, books, and assignments to help students learn Python.
- WebPlotDigitizer: A program for digitizing data from plots and graphs in images.
- ShellCheck: Finds bugs in your shell scripts.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: A Practical Programming for Total Beginners.
- Topmate: Make tailored connections for your goals.
- You and your research: Transcript of famous & widely-quoted 1986-03-07 lecture by Turing-Award mathematician Richard Hamming about how to do scientific research & development based on his life, antecedents of eminence, people he knew, the growing use of computers in science, navigating bureaucracy, maintaining creativity, and running Bell Labs.
- Quarto: An open-source scientific and technical publishing system.